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Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Redpem (Democratic Struggling Volunteer)


Repdem is waiting for acknowledgment from PDI Perjuangan

It is almost 3 years, since 5th June 2005, Democratic Struggling Volunteer/Relawan Perjuangan Demokrasi (Repdem) leads by Budiman Sudjatmiko declare to join with PDI Perjuangan (PDIP). But, until today, the organization that was born at 3rd December 2004 did not get the official acknowledgement as a wing organization of the party.

“But that is not a big problem for Redpem. Redpem realized that it will takes long time to get the acknowledgement from the party. As an example BMI (Banteng Muda Indonesia, Red) need six years in order to get the acknowledgement from the party," said by Budiman at agenda Silaturahmi Mbak Mega Bersama Rakyat at Desa Cepoko, Kecamatan Bandar, Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah, on 19th November 2007.

From the beginning the purpose of Repdem to join with PDIP is to get a actualization space, not to get position, even not to get acknowledgement. The General Chairman of DPP PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri has already reminds Repdem to really willing in building the party. That is the consequence because we are brave to use the word volunteer.

Currently PDIP already has two wing organizations: Banteng Muda Indonesia (BMI) that leads by Dudi Makmun Murod and Baitul Muslimin Indonesia (Bamusi) that leads by Hamka Haq. According to the planning, in this November 2007, PDIP will make one more wing party organization.

The conceptor is the section chairman of Young People, Students, and Sports (Ketua Bidang Kepemudaan, Kemahasiswaan, dan Olahraga) DPP PDIP Maruarar Sirait. The spesification of this organization is to aim the high school students, university students, other young people, and young professional.

While Repdem is tend to accommodate the activists who are not included in a political party, example: the people who are actively advocating farmers, fisherman, and labors.

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